Do you have a routine?
When you first join a network marketing company, your sponsor probably told you to write down your “why.” “What’s a why?” Your “why” is the reason why you are trying to build a big business. You don’t just need a “why.” You need a BIG “why!” Not just a BIG “why,” you need a BIG ENOUGH “why.”
Now if you do not succeed in your business, many sponsors will tell you that you didn’t have a BIG ENOUGH “why.” That’s why I am emphasizing all of that. I would guess that if you did succeed in building a business, big or otherwise, it is because you didn’t know what to do or how to do it.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not poo poo the idea of having a “why.” I think that it is important to know why you are doing something. However, once you know your “why,” you need to figure out a “how.”
Knowing how to do something like building a business is really what’s important!
Having your “why” gives you your long term goals. Having your “how” figured out gives you the direction you need to go in. Which moves us into the subject at hand.
Your daily and weekly routines
There is an old question that network marketers seem to ask a lot. How do you eat an elephant? The answer, of course is, one bite at a time. I guess the question is supposed to make you realize that even a really big, seemingly impossible task, really isn’t that big or impossible. You just need to break it down into small, manageable tasks.
It’s these small, manageable tasks that will be your daily and weekly routines.
Do you really need a routine. As human beings we seem to thrive when we know exactly what we need to do each day. We make lists. We cross off things, as we do them. We feel like we accomplished things, when we cross them off of our lists. Why do we need to have a routine? Because they work.
This is why most people have jobs instead of owning a business. People go to work and their day is already planned out for them. They go to work the next and their day is already planned for them. They go to work the next … well, I think you get the picture!
There is comfort and security in routines.
Owning a business is completely different. You may have no idea what to do or how to do it. Then what do you do? In most cases, those people do nothing. It’s pretty scaring not knowing what to do or how to do it.
Does any of that sound like you or anyone you know?
It probably sounds like most new network marketers.
Back to your routine
Most people think that having a daily routine will cover every day. However, not every day, Monday through Friday will be the same. Now all of your Mondays may be the same and all of your Tuesdays, might be the same, etc. After you figure that part out, you can write up a weekly routine.
I’m not here to tell you what you should be doing every day. You need to do that for yourself.
How much time do you have on each day? Try to set aside a minimum of 60 minutes per day for your business. Once you get going, you should move that to 90 minutes and then to 2 hours. I suggest working 5-6 days per week.
There are some things that need to get done every day. You should be reading for 10-15 minutes, every day. Then there are things that need to get done every week. Your company may put on a hotel meeting every Wednesday night. You need to go to all of those. Even if you don’t bring anyone with you.
Then there are the vital business activities that you need to be doing on a daily basis.
The vital business activities are find prospects for your business and your products. As you generate leads for your business and your products, you’ll need to begin to talk to them on the phone to build a relationship with them. You’ll need to use part of your 60 minutes for that activity.
Find out what combination of activities and time that you spend on each of them works the best for you. You can make changes as you go.
Once you sponsor someone and sell your products you’ll have to add in training for those new recruits and customer service for your clients.
You need to break down the tasks that you have into a daily and weekly routine and take action!
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